Alina Constantinescu

Alina Constantinescu blog
9 iun. 2014


Iata o definitie interesanta… Este dialogul dintre doua personaje masculine, unde Luis, care este jucat de Antonio Banderas, se confeseaza ca este absorbit de prezenta femeii care a aparut in viata lui:

Alan: So, Luis, is it love after all…
…or is it just lust?
Luis: Is there a difference?
Alan: Oh, yes.
To love someone is to give and then want to give more.
Luis: And lust?
What is lust, Alan?
Alan: Lust is to take and then take more.
To devour, to consume. No logic, no reason.
So…give, take.
Which is it?
Luis: Both.
I want to give her everything.
And I want to take everything from her.

(Original Sin, 2001)

Pentru cine nu stie filmul, aici este descrierea.


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Alina Constantinescu


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